Songs of Resilience Finally Given a Voice on Stage
Experience the creativity, hope, and spirit that survived Live in Chicago Nov. 6.

As Seen In

About the Concert
Following its sold-out Carnegie Hall debut in January, “We Are Here” comes to Chicago in recognition of the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the 1938 assault on thousands of Jewish businesses, synagogues, and homes. This one-night-only concert features songs that were written in the ghettos and concentration camps of Nazi-occupied Europe, interspersed with true stories about the writers’ lives. A “NY1 Theater Pick” that Broadway World called “incredible” and “powerful”, “We Are Here” pays tribute to the artists murdered during the Shoah who, in the worst of times, continued to create.
Meet Our Performers and Presenters
"For a moment in time at Carnegie Hall, 'We Are Here' brought us all together with contagious enthusiasm and passion to embrace our time"
— Roberta Greenberg, audience member